A walk in Casablanca from Hassan II mosque to Quartier Habbous
Length: 7,5-15 km.
Time: all day long (8 hours or more)
Conditions: slightly warm or cold weather, suitable for long walks.
1) You’d rather start with Hassan II mosque in the morning to join official guided tour through the mosque.
To bring more impressions in the route go to Sacre Coeur cathedral by the streets of Old Medina. F.e. with through this location: 33°36’09″N 7°37’16″W (33.602404, -7.621003)
2) Sacre Coeur cathedral and Arab League park.
3) Wilaya.
4) Unusual office buildings in Hassan II avenue.
5) Heading to the church you may walk through Zerktouni garden: 33°34’58.2″N 7°37’17″W (33.582842, -7.621392)
6) Notre Dame de Lourdes church.
7) Quartier Habbous.
The length of walk is more than 7,5 km. The exact length will be more, probably up to 2 times. On the map Quartier Habbous is just a place of arrival, but in reality it is a place where you can walk around even for 2-3 hours. Old Medina may attract more of your attention, not only as a way to cathedral. Also it’s impossible to count, how many kilometers will you add visiting temples.
The start of walk is supposed to be at 8:00-9:00 a.m.
The route of walk is quite busy, so if the weather, your strengths or your mood don’t fit it – divide the route in 2 days:
1st day – make a visit with official guided tour to Hassan II mosque and walk around the Old Medina.
2nd day – all the rest. Even in reverse order, starting from Quartier Habbous.

Take map of Casablanca with you – just click the star and it will be saved in your Google account. Any locations in this region that I will add later will appear on your map.
Route is marked with violet line starting from the ocean and ending in brown polygon: