Infrastructure of Casablanca

Moulay Ismail bakery in quartier Habbous

(Patisserie Moulay Ismail)

GPS coordinates: 33°34’35.4″N 7°36’15″W (33.576500, -7.604167)

A nice bakery with a big variety of traditional pastry, cookies etc. I’m not sure, if the staff can speak English, we’ve been talking French. But I’m sure they’ll do their best.

I was walking in quartier Habbous, when I saw locals one by one leaving this patisserie with happy faces and paper packets in their hands. This was a sign for me to join them. And I had a strong will to bring some bestila back home.

It appeared that one needed to place the order for bestila first. Baking time – 2 hours. I ordered only 4 small pies and surprised the seller that his pastry would fly around the world. When we were leaving the seller presented us a paper bag full of different cookies, so we could spend the time tasting them in one of nearby cafes. Of course when I was back to receive my bestila, I bought a box of cookies.

One will see a marketing trick in this gift, I prefer to see hospitality. It made me smile like a little child, though I was almost 30 y.o. man. Such a forgotten feeling.


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