Sidi Abderrahman island

(ilo’t Sidi Abderrahman)

GPS coordinates: 33°34’57″N 7°42’16″W (33.582384, -7.704319)

Next to Morocco Mall there is a small island bound with a shore by an arch bridge. You can visit it in the daytime.

According to a legend Sidi Abderrahman (a hermit from Baghdad) settled down here in 18th century. He was poor and couldn’t read Quran. So he did his best in praising God the way he could – playing his lute. The hermit had abilities to cure diseases, to break curses and even to walk on water. After death he became recognized as a Saint.

In the night

Nowadays the island looks like a small town around the tomb of Sidi Abderrahman. Some say that the bridge has destroyed the mystery of the place – before 2013 one could reach the island only on foot when the tide was low. Nevertheless the island remains a place of pilgrimage for many Moroccans. They believe that this sacred place still owns the healing power of Sidi Abderrahman.

Please note, that only Muslims are allowed to visit mausoleum.


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